Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

2021年9月19日(日)初の日本大会開催決定!日本大会世界80か国のティーンが集う世界的な環境支援ミスコン Miss Eco Teen Internationalの2020年世界大会グランプリ、Roberta Tamondong(ロベルタ・タモンドング)さんにMiss Eco Teen Japan2021(代表:Angelita “Angela” Babaanアンジェリータ “アンジェラ” ババアン)の日本初開催を記念するスペシャルインタビューを敢行。BPM編集長西田がナビゲーターとして、ミス・エコ・ジャパン運営チーム、大会出場が決定しているファイナリスト、環境問題に関心のある学生など集結頂きました。インタビューは日英2か国語でご覧頂けます。

Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: Miss. Roberta, It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you for BPM interview!

BPM 西田: この度は、BPMのインタビューにご登場いただき誠にありがとうございます。

Miss. Roberta: Hello. I’m Roberta Tamondong, your Miss Eco Teen International 2020. Nice to meet you!

ロベルタさん:こんにちは。ロベルタ・タモンドングと申します。2020ミス・エコ・ティーン・インターナショナル グランプリです。みなさんにお会いできて光栄です!

BPM Nishida: First of all, I want to ask you why did you decide to challenge ” Miss Eco Teen International ” beauty pageant from among a number of international beauty pageants?

BPM 西田:最初にお伺いしたいのは、世界にはたくさんの国際的なミスコンテスが存在しますが、何故ミス・エコ・ティーンに挑戦しようと思われたのですか?

Miss. Roberta: I joined this pageant not only to represent my country but also I want to become the voice of the youth to preserve and care for our environment.


BPM Nishida: What did Miss Eco Teen fascinate you most?

BPM 西田:ミス・エコ・ティーンについてよかった点をお聞かせください。

Miss. Roberta: I am amazed on how well the pageant has been conducted even though we are still in a pandemic.


Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: I heard that it was your first experience to be participated in the beauty pageant. How did you prepare for the world pageant?

BPM 西田:今回が初めてのミスコンへの挑戦だと伺いました。世界大会に向けどのような準備をされましたか?

Miss. Roberta: Yes. It was my first time joining an international pageant and when they appointed me as a representative of the Philippines, I didn’t think twice of what I was going to say. I said ” yes ” and I grabbed that opportunity and we prepared for the pageant for less than a week!

ロベルタさん:はい。私にとって国際的なコンテストに出場するのは初めてのことでした。私はフィリピン代表に選ばれた際、迷わず ” Yes “と言いました。このチャンスをものにすべく1週間という限られた時間ではありましたがチームで準備をしました。

Miss Roberta: I’m very thankful for my team and my trainers for helping me through my journey in Miss Eco Teen. Ms. Babaan and Mr. Sison helped me so much when I was in Egypt they thought me public speaking very much and also how to deliver a speech like a queen.


Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: How did you feel when they announced your name as a Miss Eco Teen the Philippines? How were your family, friends, people surrounding you react about your wonderful achievement?


Miss. Roberta: It felt like the whole country is at my back cheering for me. I cried that night because in a span of a week we are able to conquer many challenges and preparation. I am very thankful for the people who helped me because I wouldn’t be here without the help of them.


Miss. Roberta: With this kind of opportunity I can reach out not only in my country but all around the globe to preserve and care for the environment as we are experiencing environmental issues. My Family and friends always had my back and I’m so thankful for their support and their pep talks!

ロベルタさん:これを機に、自国だけではない我々が直面する世界の環境問題に向き合うことが出来ると考えています。 私を叱咤激励してくれた家族や友人に対して本当に感謝しています。

Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: Tell us about your memorial activities of Miss Eco Teen International.


Miss. Roberta: I remembered being in an aqua park with my co-candidates and it was the best time we ever had. Duration of our stay made us to get to know each other a little better and we just had fun for the rest of the night.


Miss Roberta: Miss Eco Teen International is a Family that unites young beauty queens from all around the globe to participate in taking care of the environment. We had so much fun in our stay and we really bonded until its time to go.


Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: I guess you made a lot of international friends around the world, didn’t you?


Miss. Roberta: Yes I did. The countries that participated in the pageant was 18. Since we are still in a pandemic most of the countries weren’t allowed to go yet outside of their home. I did made a lot of friends from Paraguay, South Sudan, Barskortostan, South Africa, and many more. They were all so nice and friendly.

ロベルタさん:はい! パンデミック状態にあった国のほとんどは海外渡航が認められないこともあり、 今回の大会に参加できたのは18か国でしたが、パラグアイ代表、南スーダン代表、バシコルトスタン代表、南アフリカ代表など、世界にたくさんのフレンドリーで素敵な友人が出来ました。

BPM Nishida: How was your stay in Egypt? Did you visit different national heritages?


Miss. Roberta: I had so much fun when I was in Egypt. In fact we visited the Hurghada national museum and we learned so much from our visit. We also learned some of the Arabic words while in our stay and we definitely love the food. I can’t wait to go back in Egypt.


Photo: © Hurghada national museum
Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: Let me please ask you about the judgement.


Miss. Roberta: You are judged from the first day up until the coronation night. They will judge based on how you promote eco tourism and how you can save the environment. They also judge the way you walk and speak in front of the audience and you must be very respectful and reliable whenever they ask you questions.


Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong

BPM Nishida: Now, tell us about your evening gown and national costume! Those were amazing!


Miss. Roberta: My evening gown and my national costume were designed by Filipino Designers in Laguna, Philippines in less than 5 days! The national costume is made by Lanny Liwag and the costume is made out of styropor and eco friendly materials. My evening gown was made by Louis Pangilinan and they were so amazing.


BPM Nishida: Now please tell us about your future resolutions!


Miss. Roberta: I would like to travel more across the globe if this pandemic will be over soon because I have so much help to offer with the kids who like to make the world a better place. I would like to have charity events and tree planting. But for now, what I can do is inform all of the people in social media about our environment.


BPM Nishida: For the last question to you, give a massage to young candidate in Japan!


Miss. Roberta: Konichiwa Japan! I am Roberta Tamondong, Miss Eco Teen International 2020. And I would like to invite all of the young Japanese teen queens to participate in the very first edition of the Miss Eco Teen International Japan. You have a very reputable organization behind your back headed by Ms. Babaan, and the team. So please do not miss this beautiful opportunity. Congratulations and I wish all of you the best of luck! I hope to see you soon!

ロベルタさん:日本の皆さまこんにちは!ミス・エコ・ティーン・インターナショナル2020 グランプリのロベルタ・タモンドングです。日本初開催の大会となる選考会に日本のティーンの皆様をお迎えしたいと思います!皆さんにはババアンさんや信頼のおける団体がついています!このチャンスを逃さないで!皆さまの幸運を祈っております。そして、お目にかかれる日を楽しみにしています!

BPM Nishida: Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful story. Hope to see you in Japan in this Summer!


Photo: ミス・エコ・ティーン2020 グランプリ Miss. Roberta Angela Tamondong


ミス・エコ・ティーン・ジャパンチーム:上段左より マーケティング・ディレクター Ayaka Babaan氏、 ナショナルディレクター Angelita “Angela” Babaan氏、ビジネス・リレーション・ディレクター Amy Ozaki氏、下段左りプログラムディレクター Jess Soriano氏、エクゼクティブ・ディレクター Nathan Sison氏、 プログラムディレクター Nesler Almagro氏 
